In this digital era, the script has been written and rewritten when it comes to advertising and marketing campaigns.

Landing pages have since established themselves as a critical component of your company’s web presence. They give potential customers the first impression of your brand and are usually the best opportunity to capture leads. Without a high-converting landing page, most of your web traffic ends up lost because visitors leave without taking further action.

High converting landing pages drive results for brands that effectively use them. 

So, What Exactly is a Landing Page? 

How is a landing page any different from other pages on your website?

Let’s first look at the basics before we move on.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a distinct, standalone page on a brand’s website created specifically to convert web visitors into viable leads. The difference between landing pages and other pages on a website is that a landing page drives user action through a lead-capture form. 

This can be done by offering something valuable like purchase discounts or exclusive content in exchange for users signing up or giving their contact information such as email addresses, etc. The primary goal of a landing page is to compel the target audience to convert.

The pivotal role played by landing pages in a brand’s marketing campaigns means that they should be optimized and designed for a superior user experience that motivates the visitors to click on CTAs (Call-to-Action buttons). Most brands want to make the most of the traffic on their landing page and maximize the number of conversions but don’t put in the necessary work to make them high-converting.

We have compiled a few principles that when put into practice will increase your landing page’s conversion rates.

Landing page's conversion rates

Seven Principles That Increase Your Landing Page’s Conversion Rates

1. Capture User Attention Quickly

In the era where the most valuable thing a consumer can provide is attention, ensure that you make an immediate impression on your web visitors. Unless you pique the interest of your visitors, chances are they will leave your website to continue browsing. The best way to instantly capture your audience’s attention is through a compelling headline. Ensure that the headline clearly captures what you are offering. Research has proven that by doing this, your audience is motivated to stick around.

Another effective way of capturing your web visitors’ attention is through the effective use of highlighting. Most people skim through a page unless they are super interested, so through proper use of highlighting you can direct them to the parts of the page that are worth paying attention to. 

When a visitor skims through your page, the focus naturally falls on the highlighted (bold) texts. The cap for effective use of highlighting is 10% of the text according to studies.

2. Focus on Value Offering Rather than Brand

High-converting landing pages focus on the value offered and not on the brand. The goal of a landing page is to drive prospects to specific offers and products, and not toward your organization in general. We understand that you want to grow your brand, but resist the urge of using your landing pages to do this. If your web visitors feel misled or if they feel like they have wasted their time visiting your page, you are likely to lose them as prospects entirely.

Ensure that you indicate to your prospects they are on the right landing page. Tell them exactly how you will offer value for them whether through a discount offer that will save them money or a product that will solve a problem. Remember that people searching through the internet for offers or products care first and foremost about fulfilling their needs. Ensure that they find a solution on your landing page to increase conversion. The best way to grow your brand is by showing others it can make their lives better.

3. Keep it Simple

Trying to include everything on a single landing page can severely impact your landing page’s performance. A recent study showed that landing pages with multiple offers suffer a colossal 200% decrease in conversions. When your landing page is cluttered, it makes it harder for visitors to find the most important message. Ensure the landing page is free from the clutter that can confuse your prospective customers and drive them away from converting. The Kaizen Principle; “A place for everything, and everything in its place” can be applied when designing a landing page.

Kaizen Principle; “A place for everything, and everything in its placeHigh converting landing pages are generally simple and often apply the “less is more” concept. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to navigate through the page and get to the offer. The page design should be visually appealing but never too busy.

4. Use Visuals

When you add images or videos to your landing pages, your audience tends to connect to them on a more personal level. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Through images and videos, you can show snippets of the actual content that you’re giving your visitors. 

Chances are your audience will linger on the page a little longer if the image captures their attention. You can deliver your message to prospective customers within this short period.

Take care not to include too many visuals which end up cluttering your landing page. The visuals should help call out important content rather than hiding it.

5. Optimize for Mobile

Mobile devices have become a staple part of who we are and this is only set to increase. More people are using smartphones around the globe meaning that they are the best avenue to create leads through. Ensure that your landing page is optimized for use on mobile devices to increase your chances to get prospects. All the texts should be visible on mobile screens and the buttons must be large enough for touchscreen users.

6. Use Social Proof

This strategy has been proven to work more effectively than any other when it comes to convincing consumers. Naturally, humans are social beings and tend to lean on other people’s experiences and opinions when making decisions. An average customer reads around 10 reviews before making a purchase. Research also shows that 92% of consumers trust both peer approvals and those from strangers.

Social proof is important when building customer trust. It also highlights your status as an industry expert among competitors. Show client testimonials and reviews so that your visitors see how others are benefiting from your brand. FOMO will most likely kick in and your visitors will click the CTA. However, be careful not to clutter the landing page with too many reviews.

7. Test the Landing Page’s Performance

No matter how well your landing page is doing, continuously test and measure its performance. The world is constantly evolving so you should look for opportunities to make small tweaks and improvements to increase performance. Utilize Google Analytics (the free and user-friendly analytics platform) to look for insights from data about your site speed, visitor demographics, time spent on site, click-through rates, and more. Use this data to find ways to optimize your site.

Wrapping Up

If applied effectively, these principles can help transform your landing page from “meh” to high-converting. The work doesn’t stop with applying these principles, you have to constantly strive to improve and learn. Use Biz-Buzz today to gain an edge over your competitors.


Sara Paul

I enjoy supporting ad hoc work at Biz-buzz as a primary research analyst. I usually write about marketing, business, finance, IT, and HR topics on social media, as I am more into marketing and business. As a podcaster and award-winning creative marketer, I still enjoy my pie on my couch, as should all right-thinking people.

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